‘The city of ignoble women’ is a play by the director and choreographer Rosa Amelia Poveda, where dancers and women from the popular feminist school ‘Mujeres de Frente’ embody a criticism of gender violence through contemporary dance. Its director relied for its creation on UN Women’s ‘Letters from Women’ campaign against gender-based violence -which collected testimonies from survivors of gender-based violence- and on the anthology ‘Public Letters from Ecuadorian Women’ by historian Ana María Goetschel. This work had its premiere in Quito, in October 2017, and in recent years has had the opportunity to be presented in the cities of Guayaquil (Ecuador) and Barcelona (Spain). The photographs of its premiere were published in the feminist digital magazine LaPeriódica, as well as a video that accompanied the article written by my colleague, Gabriela Toro Aguilar.