Since 2019, I have worked as a videography consultant for the Ecuador office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). During these years I have filmed the activities, services, programs and projects that this organization executes at national level for the benefit of the refugee population and in situation of human mobility.
In addition to filming, I have also provided video editing and photography services. Below are some examples of my work with UNHCR, also known as the UN Refugee Agency.
¿Si tuvieras que huir de tu país, qué te llevarías?
Ropa, zapatos, tu mascota, fotos. 🐕🎒👚
Venezolanos que se fueron de su país nos comparten lo que les hubiera gustado llevarse con ellos en su larga travesía.— Acnur/Unhcr Américas (@ACNURamericas) August 27, 2019